Be The Perfect Wedding Guest
A wedding isn’t like other parties. You can’t pre-drink, you’re encouraged to eat and you have to have a little self control. My ma once told me that a wedding guest should be like a flower. What she meant was be happy, well presented and add to the good vibes.
It turns out there’s a lot more to it than imitating a forget-me-not, so read on for some dos and don’ts for wedding guests.
Don’t Be Late
Be respectful and show up on time. If you recognize yourself as someone who’s always late, plan for it by setting an alarm. A wedding isn’t the place to be fashionably late (unless it’s your own, in which case you can do whatever the hell you want), and you don’t want to steal the bride’s thunder by interrupting the ceremony with an apology: ‘I’m so sorry, I got caught up…’
Do Dress Up
If there’s a dress code or theme specified on the invitation, adhere to it! If not, wear something nice and neat. Even if you’re usually a jeans and tee kind of person, think about it from the couple’s perspective and try your best to dress up. A wedding is an event, and not the kind at ASB Showgrounds.
Don’t Get Too Boozy
This morning I saw a girl yak on the footpath. Save yourself the embarrassment by going easy on the wine. Have a glass of water in between every drink to keep yourself hydrated – it’ll help you last longer too! Don’t be the first to crash, and don’t be the one to empty the bar. All good to get buzzed, but remember who you’re here for.
Do Give A Little
Giving a wedding gift shows you care. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just thoughtful and preferably practical too. Unless the couple has specifically requested something, try to refrain from buying any homeware, as people have such particular tastes. If you’re stuck for ideas, check out Oxfam Unwrapped, or slip a gift card into an envelope.
Do Participate
At my brother’s wedding, the bride threw the bouquet, it flew up and… fell on the floor. Don’t shy away from getting involved! Wedding guests are there to liven things up. A wedding may involve a few emotional tears, but it should mostly be fun. Have a boogie, chat to strangers and push your way to the front so you can snatch that bouquet. The couple will thank you for being so enthusiastic.
So now you know how to be a perfect wedding guest, but is your outfit ready for the big day? Use Laundromap to get your clothes in tip top shape.